Male Factor Infertility 101

Male Factor Infertility

There is often a misconception that infertility is only a women's health issue. However, 30% of infertility cases are a malefactor primary health issue. It is also estimated that only 20% of men in couples struggling to conceive will come forward for testing. Men diagnosed with male factor infertility can also feel similar traumatic emotional pain. There can be feelings of shock, guilt, stigma, anger, fear, anxiety, and low self-esteem. 

Here are a few facts about male factor infertility:

  1. Men often have no obvious or apparent symptoms of infertility. 
  2. A few causes of male infertility can be sperm production problems, structural abnormalities, ejaculatory disorders, and immunity issues.
  3. According to the Mayo Clinic, nearly 50% of men dealing with male factor infertility have low sperm counts as the primary factor. Low sperm counts are the most common cause of infertility.
  4. Morphology: when the sperm is unable to reach or penetrate the egg due to abnormal sperm structure or shape.
  5. Motility: when the sperm has an impaired mobility or movement.
  6. There is a myth that age does not affect male fertility. However, as men age, their fertility and the health of sperm also decline. 
  7. Some healthy lifestyle changes to help decrease the risk of male factor infertility are: no use of tobacco or marijuana, stop or decrease alcohol intake, maintain a healthy weight, exercise in moderation, and take your vitamins(vitamins C and E are especially important in male fertility). 
  8. There are many preventable, treatable, and reversible causes of male factor infertility. It is so important to see your doctor or specialist for an evaluation and treatment if needed.

The more we talk about infertility the less stigma everyone will feel. There is no shame or embarrassment from an infertility diagnosis. If you are interested in more information about male factor infertility, Resolve and FertilityIQ are both excellent resources. No one has the exact same infertility story but together we can lift each other to be stronger as we find solutions, and hope.